
Having Fun !

I've got my mid term test , it was so difficult and drive me crazy .
and last friday my mid term test (finally) finished !
I'm fighting 2 weeks with number , mathematics and physics, grrwrwrrw
then my bestfriends ask me to going out ! yeay ! we went to Inul Vista Family Karaoke .
there, we're singing , dancing , and become so wild (oh , this is actually me, haha) .
I really throw away all my stress there , haha
They are Sita , Linda , Septhy , Prima , Dilla 

sita , linda , anin , septhy , prima

linda , anin , sita , septhy , prima

linda , me , sita

sita , anin

anin , linda

after than we got our dinner at paragon city mall , we eat Hoka - Hoka bento , yummy but cheap :D
and like always we take a lot of  photo there like crazy , haha

up : septhy linda prima
down : me , sita

me , dilla , linda

we meet our komtina there ! surprise !! they are defany and nadhila

defany , nadhila , linda , anin , prima m sita , septhy

I'm going home so lateee and tired cause little bit traffic jam and I'm driving my car alone . but I feel so satisfied and happy , thanks best !

i feel that I'm the luckiest girl in this world have you all as my best friends *smooch

Best Friends For Me

to all my best friend in my heart :

Best Friends for me . They always there when I have my big smile and my swift cry .

when I'm going out with my best friend they'll feel free if my boyfriend join us , boyfriend ? the opposite !

when I'm cry cause I lose my boyfriend than my best friends said "don't worry , there's so many boys better than him wait for you dear" but If I've fighting with my best friends than my boyfriend said "don't be their friend anymore ! they're not good for you! leave them" , cruel.

that's why for me best friends are more important than boyfriend , so what do you think ?

I'd Lie

I'd lie..
when I told you that I just wanna keep my heart safe not break easily as usual (cause of you) , I'd Lie ! cause the truth is I want you to change to be a better person and my lie make you leave , you leave me !
I'd lie..
when everyone ask about us , I just can't realize what happened between us . actually I won't realize :(
I'd lie..
when mama talk about you everyday and I cried , cause so many lie I've told to her .
I'd lie..
when I say "leave !" cause baby all I want is you

and this is my last lie when I say , I'm fine .